Monday, February 6, 2012


What do bullies try and get from bullying? It is hard to answer because there are so many different situations but in the story, even though this story is fictional the same problems come up in real life. A lot of bullies don’t realize what they are doing to the victims. All Summer in a Day written by Ray Bradbury he gave a nice example of a bully situation. Many kids and even adults have to deal with jealousy or low self esteem and that is why there are bullies in this world.

Many people don’t realize what an effect bullying has on the            victims, instead they focus on punishing the offenders which yes, you should do, but you should also try and help the victim. Sadly the victims suffer the most in these cases and need the most help. That is why many people need to step up and stop bullying if they see it happen or if they know of someone who’s being bullied: help them out and ask them how they are doing. You need to help them with all of the things they need to deal with when being bullied.

Why don’t people stand up for the victims when they see bullying happen? Many people don’t want to because they don’t want to get pulled into it. Imagine being on the other side though if you were getting bullied and other people could do something but didn’t. That the bullying could stop just if one person stood up but didn’t. Imagine what that could do for a person.

All in all bullying needs to be held to a minimal or stopped. This can have a long term affect and can put people in bad places. Also bullies need to realize what they are doing to people. This can do a very bad thing to bullies victims and people who see it.

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