Thursday, April 25, 2013

Physical Activity

Author's Note: I wrote this piece to show how important physical activity can be and will be in the future.

This summer’s physical activity will provide me with a way to rehab my knee, while in the past it provided me with a way to have fun.  Almost every day over summer break I would find myself doing some form of physical activity such as: playing basketball, kickball or soccer With that said, physical activity fuels my life and a lot of others too.
Exercising provides me with enjoyment, but also keeps me healthy.Physical activity can help to prevent many potentially harmful side effects that go along with aging like: obesity, high blood pressure and heart problems. Over the past few years in health class we have been learning about these problems, and a huge way to help prevent them is just to exercise. Having the knowledge of these problems can help a lot too, because then you know what to do to prevent poor health in the future. We need to exercise more, especially because restaurants are serving bigger portions.
A very popular part of physical activity is the social aspect. Most of my friends today I met  while playing around on the playground or playing basketball with them. When I hang out with my friends we like to play sports just as something to do. That’s why physical activity helps me in my life.

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